Thursday, January 5, 2017

Chelsea finished up here first season of soccer this Fall. She had a good time even though she missed a few games due to breaking her arm at the park. Her team was the Pinkerbelles and she had a great coach and teammates.

That sure was a long break....

I didn't mean to fall off the face of the Earth for 2 years....
Life got BUSY!! Let me give you an update of what has been going on.

Gersson turned 40! He is going into his 17th year at Costco Wholesale.
Chelsea is now 6 and in full day Kindergarten and Charlotte is 4.
I am busy working, helping at Chelsea's school and I also attend MOPS on Monday mornings. I just finished my first successful photography season. I had over 15 family photo shoots! YAY!! I am making my dream a reality. And it feels great!