Sunday, June 29, 2014

Cupcake Camp

Today we joined a few friends and their kids at Icing On The Cupcake for Cupcake Camp. I surprised Chelsea and took her. She loves "pupcakes" as she calls them. I knew she would have a blast. What a fun event! 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Silly girl with the 3D glasses

People always says treasure these moments. They will be gone before you know them. Life is so busy and sometimes it is hard to do this. At least for me. I try to stop and grab my camera and snap away. I want my girls to have plenty of photos to look back on and remind them of their youth.
Charlotte found these glasses in the toy bin months ago. She loves them. She puts them on a lot. She knows they make us laugh. She even insisted on wearing them in the shower and bathtub. When she put them on tonight I thought to myself, grab the camera. Quick! I want to never forget the joy on her face when she puts them on, looks to me for a reaction. My heart just melted. I love her to pieces and feel so blessed by these moments.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Summer Time Fun with the sprinklers

We had our good friends Jona, Alyssa and Carter over for dinner. It was a super hot night so the kids ran thru the sprinklers while we cooked dinner. They had a blast!

Easter-Part Two

My parents hosted the Easter celebration this year. They have a big enough house now to have everyone over. The morning was spent at church, then back to my parents for my Mom's famous Eggs Benedict and Bloody Mary's. The kids had an Easter Egg hunt after breakfast. It was so fun to have all the family in one place at one time. It had been awhile since that had happened. Family is SO VERY important to me.
 Lindsay and John asked Chelsea to be their flower girl for their wedding. I bought Chelsea a book about being a flower girl. I had Aunt Lindsay read it to her to explain how it all works and how important her job will be on their big day.

Easter-Part One

Our court likes to have court parties. Which is one of the reasons why we love living where we do. We had our annual Easter Egg Hunt for all the kids in the court. I was able to participate before I left for work that day. All the kids had a blast! We even had a potluck afterwards with all the neighbors. The girls LOVED that the Easter bunny came to our house and left bunny footprints. A tradition from when I was a kid. Started by my parents!
 All the kids in our court.
 Going thru their baskets.
 Checking out the footprints the Easter bunny left behind.
 the night before Easter we planted Jelly Beans and the next morning they had sprouted into Lollipops!
Charlotte rockin' some serious bed head!

Day trip to the Oakland Zoo

We have never taken our kids to the Oakland Zoo. We had an event planned for the evening so we decided to drive down early and check it out. The girls loved it and it was a BEAUTIFUL day in the Bay Area. I forget how gorgeous the weather can be there. The views were fantastic and we had a blast!

Renee's Sprinkle

After having Chelsea back in Fall of 2010, I joined the Sutter Roseville New Moms Support Group. Boy am I glad I did. I met so many new Mommies that I have formed a great friendship with over the past few years. It is so fun watching our children grow up together. They are a huge support to me and I love each and every one of those beautiful ladies. We came together and threw a Sprinkle for Renee, our friend and family photographer.

Chelsea's First Haircut

I never wanted to cut her hair but I knew this day would come eventually. After many recommendations we took her to Jack and Jilly Beans for her first cut. It was just a little snip and she did great. She wasn't scared at all. She even chose to sit in the police car without any prompting from me. Maybe she does realize her Aunt and Uncle are police officers. They would love it!

Backyard Fun

I have been babysitting a close friend's son for the past year. His name is Reid. We met him when he was a brand new baby thru our Sutter Roseville New Moms Support Group. So Chelsea and him have known each other since birth. I just love his sweet personality and it has been so much fun watching him grow and play with Chelsea. They love chasing each other in the backyard and exploring on walks thru our neighborhood.

Lindsay's Bridal Shower

My Mom, my sister Jen and I threw a bridal shower for our soon to be sister in law, Lindsay. It was a big crowd and we held it at the Lodge at WestPark where my parents live. It could not have turned out more perfect. Everything came together beautifully. I think Lindsay was one happy bride!
 Louise, Sharon and Sara

 Jen, Olivia and Lindsay
 The happy couple!


A day at the park

I try to take our girls to the park often. They just love it. We are fortunate to live in a great city with tons of clean, new, fun parks to explore. Roseville rocks! I also love playing with my new camera and trying the different features. My girls are the perfect subjects!

Our Trip to LA - Hayley's 1st Birthday

We traveled down to Los Angeles for Hayley's (our niece) 1st Birthday party. Her Momma, Mayra threw her a big party and we were able to see lots and lots of extended family. Our girls spent a little time with their Great Grandma which is so special. We were able to see Gersson's brother, wife and daughter. Lots of cousins, Aunts and Uncles. We even squeezed in a little fun by taking the kids down to the Long Beach Harbor/Pier. Chelsea went on the giant Ferris Wheel and rode the carousel. Before long little sister Charlotte will be able to join her.
 Long Beach Harbor
 I remember when Jennifer, Mayra and I were all out having fun, look at us now. We are all Moms!
 Steve is a fun, loving Uncle and will make a great Dad some day...
 Charlotte talking to her Great Grandma Romelia
The Olivo's, Jay and the birthday girl Hayley